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Beauty Treatments


 A safe, non-invasive treatment that is a simple method of exfoliation designed to remove the dead skin cells on the top layer of skin with a small surgical blade. One session of dermaplaning usually removes up to several weeks of dead skin build-up, leaving you with a fresh layer of skin that looks and feels smooth, radiant, and brand new. Ideal for clients who want a deep exfoliation with no down time which also removes ‘peach fuzz’. Benefits include: brighter skin, smoother skin, flawless makeup application, glowing skin, instant results, better absorption of creams and serums. 

Treatment time: 45 minutes 


Course of three treatments: £110

Course of six treatments: £220

A course of 3-6 treatments is advised, although results will show after one treatment. One session every four weeks will give maximum results. 

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